Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A world class design team and its arch bridge

Not recommended as a home based activity!

Gravity?... What gravity?

I only have eyes for you!

A future neurosurgeon hones his craft on a shark

The geodome takes shape

Hangin' with friends during transition time

One of many pick up games

Emma and her tatoo design. Don't worry Mom, it will wear off after several years!

One of hundreds of trips down the megaslide

Impressive Nate, but just how high IS that rim?

The goats are always favorites at the farm

The turkeys, on the other hand, are an aquired taste!

A frosty start to the day, but the sun quickly changed that.

Day Two surely lived up to our high expectations. The students began the day with a hike up Sunrise Mountain and around Triangle Lake. Each field group joined in on two "special" classes ranging from building roller coasters and geodomes to tattooing and dissections. The kids enjoyed extensive transition time where they took advantage of the petting farm, climbing wall, fields, and the fabulous new Thunderdome whiffleball park. We capped off the day with the always popular Night Experience.

Some student comments on the day:
Abby W:" I really like the night hike. I was surprised how well my eyes became accustomed to the dark."
Kyle D: "I was amazed how the wintergreen lifesavers sparked when we bit down on them."
Natalie B: " I had a great time hanging with my friends during transition times. The giant slide was awesome!
Katie B: The Improv class was my favorite part of the day. I got to act out different situations with my friends."
Brigid M: "I am really enjoying my friends back at the cabin; lots of talking and laughing."
Wills H:" My favorite thing to do during transition time is to head into the climbing room."


  1. Mr. Howard:

    You are hysterical with your witty commentary. Now I know why the kids love you so much. I have to admit....I totally miss Michael; but I can see that he is having the time of his life. Thanks for the memories!!! Jodi Palmieri

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i hope everyone has fun and i cant wait to come too just 2 years till sixth grade. i also really want mr. howard i hope everybody has a great time and that there is great weather


  4. I am so glad the kids are having fun! Plea from a mom - MORE Pictures!!! Tell Jon I hope he has been able to dissect something as this was something he was looking forward to (the gross out factor for mom, I think). He keeps trying but, so far, has not grossed me out yet!!!
